CITA EV @ EVIS EVENT | 20-22 MAY 2024 | ADNEC Centre, Abu Dhabi
Best electric cars to buy 2024 - Top 15 EVs worldwide | Best EV's to buy in 2024

Best electric cars to buy 2024 – Top 15 EVs worldwide

In the ever-evolving automotive industry, the best electric cars to buy in 2024 have become a hot topic among enthusiasts and everyday drivers alike. As the market for electric vehicles...
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Electric Car Charger for Home Everything You Need to Know

Electric car charger for home: Everything you need to know

Electric cars are the future, and having an electric car charger for home is becoming a necessity for many EV owners. Installing a home EV charger offers convenience and efficiency,...
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Everything you should know about charging an electric car

Everything you should know about charging an electric car

Charging an electric car is a fundamental aspect of owning an EV, yet many new owners and potential buyers have questions about the process. With the rise in popularity of...
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CITA’s EV Charge Point Management System (CPMS)

Benefits of using CITA’s EV Charge Point Management System (CPMS)

In today’s world, where electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly gaining popularity, the infrastructure to support their growth is more critical than ever. An EV Charge Point Management System (CPMS) plays...
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Charge Point Management System (CPMS)

A Guide to EV Charge Point Management System (CPMS)

A crucial component of the electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure is the Charge Point Management System (CPMS).  As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain popularity worldwide, the demand for efficient and reliable...
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UK and Electric Cars - EV Market Statistics 2024 & Insights

EV market statistics 2024 – How many EVs are there in the UK

In the UK, the year 2024 marks a pivotal moment for the electric car market, as the landscape of UK EVs continues to evolve. The UK's commitment to electrification and the...
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EV charger at home in the UK 2024 guide

How to Install an EV Charger at Home in the UK (2024 Guide)

This comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach to installing an EV charger at home in the UK, empowering individuals to embrace electric mobility with confidence with CITA EV. From assessing...
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Understanding UK EV Charging Regulations: 2024 Explained

UK EV Charging Regulations 2024: All You Need to Know

As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise, the UK has been proactive in establishing regulations to ensure the smooth integration of EV charging infrastructure. These UK EV...
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What is IP65 & IK10 protection?

Understanding IP65 & IK10 Rating Ensuring Durability & Protection In the realm of electronic devices and equipment, Ingress Protection (IP) and Impact Protection (IK) ratings play pivotal roles in determining...
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How to buy an Electric Car Charger for Home?

Charging your EV at home offers numerous advantages, from the convenience of a full battery each morning to cost savings and environmental benefits. But how do you choose the right...
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Why EVs are crucial for the future of human mobility - Cita ev blog

The Rise of EVs: Why EVs are crucial for the future of human mobility

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and a growing concern for the environment, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a shining beacon of innovation and sustainability in the...
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Most exciting future-innovations-in-electric-vehicles-and-ev-chargers-citaev

Powering Ahead: Future Innovations in Electric Vehicles and EV Chargers

In this blog, we'll explore the exciting innovations that are shaping the future of both electric vehicles and EV chargers. The world is at a pivotal juncture in its journey...
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